Saturday, February 4, 2012

Lyrics sound like singing

Earlier this morning I had to go to the lab to have blood work done.  For the first time in I don't know how long, the phlebotomist was able to draw blood from my left arm using a butterfly needle and tubing. I was elated. Usually when I have blood drawn, I have to have blood taken out of my hand or wrist.

As I returned to my car, I decided I would listen to a CD to brush up on listening to music with a cochlear implant.  I didn't pay attention to the CD which I inserted into the CD player of my car. Imagine my surprise and delight when I recognized Tracy Chapman singing, "Talking about a Revolution!" For the first time since I received a CI, lyrics actually sounded like SINGING.

For me, that's HUGE.  You are talking about someone who tested within the limits of the audiogram in April, 2010, fast-forward to February 2012, and I am hearing SINGING. Not scratchy voices with garbled lyrics, but SINGING.

Later tonight I listed to more of Tracy Chapman on my computer - one favorite song of mine is "Fast Car." I heard and saw "Fast Car," on music video television when Tracy Chapman first sang that song. I had never heard of her, but grew to like her music.

It has been a year and nearly four months since I received my first cochlear implant.  It just goes to show you that I am still experiencing "soundflavorings anew."  I continue to experience more "WOW!" moments as I progress on my journey hearing with a cochlear implant.

When the weather gets warmer, and it is late Spring, I will be hearing the sounds of Spring with two cochlear implants this time.  I'm not in a patient, waiting frame of mind.  More of an anticipation of what two cochlear implants will bring to my world.

Hearing is such a gift.

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