Today was my one year activation anniversary. My one year anniversary, when I first heard with a cochlear implant for the first time. I returned to the cochlear clinic for my one year "tweaking" session. I had my hearing tested with the cochlear implant and I am right where I should be. The implant is doing everything it is supposed to be. I had my non-implanted ear tested and I am definitely a candidate for a second cochlear implant, this time in my right ear.
I went ahead and filled out the paperwork. The next step will be scheduling the date for the surgery. I am excited about getting my right ear implanted. I want to hear more. I want what I call "surround sound."
What a year it has been! I have literally had to learn to hear all over again. The technology of the cochlear implant is just phenomenal. I have heard birds, crickets and tree frogs.
Every night when I remove the sound processor and recharge the battery, I am stunned at how deaf I am. I am still a deaf person with a cochlear implant, and I am amazed at how my world has changed. Life-changing doesn't even begin to describe it.
Yet every morning I attach a freshly charged battery to my sound processor, put the processor on and I hear again. I've gone from hearing people talk as if they are talking underwater to pretty much understandable speech. When I listen to music, the singing still sounds like some one is singing with a scratchy voice. And I haven't collided with anyone coming around a grocery aisle, because I can hear the wheels of the cart as it is coming around.
I don't miss straining to hear. I don't miss ill-fitting hearing aids and feedback from the ear molds.
Hearing is such a gift.
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