Saturday, July 7, 2012

Listening to Music - Bilaterally

Technology continues to boggle my mind.  After much trial and error, I managed to download songs, albums, favorite songs to my i-pad nano.  I modified my Klipsch earbuds with plastic tubing to accommodate my Behind the Ear Cochlear Implant Processors.

I am plugged in. The scratchiness in lyrics is nearly gone. Music finally sounds like music.

I am hearing music, lyrics in stereo, technicolor, high definition and surround sound!

Cochlear Implants allow me to hear in Dolby Sound.  I finally get it.  Cochlear Implant Processors ARE like a super-sophisticated stereo receiver!

While I have been hearing bilaterally for two months and two weeks, I am not only hearing more in surround sound, I am learning to discriminate sounds more.

You probably think fireworks basically go BOOM!  Fireworks not only go
boom, there are different frequencies of boom! at which the fireworks go off. There are different flavors of firework percussion.  I opted to stay inside on the 4th of July and watch the Macy's Fireworks on TV.

I thought it was really cool to hear Madonna's "Holiday," along with one firework display.  I think I will download that song to my ipod nano.

I also purchased an iphone.  One favoritie notification tune I really like is the rumble of a motorcycle. Everytime I hear my iphone rumble, it is notifying me of a new e-mail or a text. The motorcycle rumble doesn't sound like a rumble of a Harley, but it is good enough!

I haven't tried calling on the iphone just yet.  I plan to do that. I will try it with the Klipsch earbuds in for clarity and see how that test phone call goes.

The other thing that has happened, is that my brain is finally tuning out my co-worker's gum chewing and snapping.  Thank God!

It truly is a brain thing. One of the biggest joys in my life right now is being active in my cochlear implanted community and mentoring to other people who have elected to be implanted with the implants I have.

I still think back to Activation Day, November 11, 2010, and just laugh.
It is a day I will never forget. Hearing with cochlear implants is like hearing with all the colors of the rainbow.  I also think back to the day my surgeon's nurse told me that a cochlear implant would change my life, and laugh again. 

I had no idea and absolutely no clue.  It has turned my life upside down, but in a good way.  With cochlear implants, I am hearing from sun up to sunset. I am still stunned at how deaf I am when I take off my cochlear implant processors at night.


Hearing bilaterally with Cochlear Implants is such a miracle and a gift for which I thank God for every day.  I may not always faithfully thank Him in prayer each day, but He knows my heart. It is singing.

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