Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Breakthrough In Listening To Music and a Surprise

It is four days post-activation with the second CI. I have been faithfully taking off my processor for my left ear when I come home from work and just listening with my right ear. My right ear is catching on fast and I was actually able to understand some commercials on TV without captioning. I definitely have directionality of sound and while I am hearing some new sounds, it is more of hearing more with both ears than it is anything else. 

Today I was at my computer and decided to listen to Spotify again.  I set my left ear processor to the music program (my left ear being my dominant ear) and left my right ear processor alone.  I chose Seals and Crofts "Summer Breeze," because male voices are what I hear best listening to music. The music AND the singing came through clearly, although still somewhat scratchy.  I understood most of the song.

Then I tried listening to Seals and Crofts "I'll Play For You," and again I heard and understood most of it.

I switched to Fleetwood Mac's "Dreams."  I understood the chorus and some of the lyrics.

Next, I tried Coldplay's "Clocks." I heard the music but didn't understand the lyrics.

I discovered something. Not all of the song tracks on Spotify are of good quality.  I wonder if that is true of radio as well. The stereo systems that they install in cars are not that great unless you spend some serious money for GOOD STEREO in your car.

I had a hearing joke played on me today. I had asked my CI audiologist if processors reacted to electromagnetic interference on computers, cell phones or smart phones.  She said they can.

Well duh.  Today I was reading through e-mail on one of my accounts. That so-called "static" that I heard?

The "static" was the vroom-vroom of car engines in an on-line advertisement on my
e-mail web page!!!!

I just laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed. How's that for a good clean hearing joke on a deaf woman with two cochlear implants?

You have to admit that it WAS funny!  I wonder what other hearing surprises are in store for me, now that I can hear out of both ears?

Hearing with two cochlear implants is priceless.

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